A Little Sheet Cocoon
A Little Sheet Cocoon
Welcome Back!!!!
Beware: there is so much cheese in this post that grandma’s table is fixing to overflow with all of the slices, cakes, and cans I could conger up!!! But, feel free to take as many slices, pieces, and squirts as you want! Indulge in all of the cheesy goodness!!(although personally I have never been a fan of cheese in a can.)
Well, It’s finally here!! The Thanksgiving holidays and the colder weather! The cars are stuffed to the brim with family members. Drive ways and grocery stores are full. Christmas Music has hit the radio. The trees have already gotten into the holiday spirit by shedding lots of leaves and leaving jusssst a few so the trees look like they are all adorned with ornaments :) Plus- + the leftover leaves get up and dance as the wind picks up! They can’t help but be in good spirits!? I. love. it.
Ok: so I’m putting the Post Challenge in the middle of the post... I’m not sure thats really how it works... But I am my own Blog Master :) so : oh Well! Here it is-
Post Challenge: Come up with 100 things you are thankful for(or it might be easier to think of it this way- 100 things you like, because the stuff you like you are probably thankful for.) Get to know yourself a little bit and just see what you can come up with. (Even though it might sound intimidating and time-wasting, I always have fun with it!) Can’t you just hear Maria singing Favorite Things(from Sound of Music) in the background?
Here are a few of mine:
1. Spotify is one of the greatest inventions known to man. Birdy, Mumford and Sons, A Fine Frenzy, Band of Horses, Bon Iver, the Avett Brothers, Of Monsters and Men, Coldplay, The Lumineers, Ben Howard, Ed Sheeran, Iron and Wine, The Civil Wars, Jayme Dee, Alex Murdoch, Piano Tribute Players, Maroon 5, Passenger, Love and Theft... you are all a sigh of relief in the afternoon after school
2. Coffee :)
3. I might as well add the experience of simply walking into a Starbucks and breathing deeply as you take in the festivity of the cute decorations, snacks(probably the best dog name ever), and smells.
4. Spell Check (I created the word sconger earlier in the post... apparently its conger...)
5. Ponytail Holders and Chapstick(esp. Burt’s Bees: the Cracker Barrel classic!)
6. Piano(the ultimate getaway for creative juices)
7. Books a Million(or I might as well say- Joe’s...if I ever have any down time)
8. Lamps and Fires in the Fire Place always shed such a warm feeling in the house
9. Blankets and Fuzzy Socks- yes please!
10. Family(I love a full house!) This thanksgiving, everyone got together at our house, and it was so fun to visit with everyone. We participated in some intense gaming(Pit was definitely my favorite!), and in some intense eating :) My Aunt Faye made the best pumpkin cheesecake pie ever :)
11. That my identity is ultimately in Christ:
(That the opinions of everyone amount to nothing in the long run.) I feel like this sounds like a very bitter(SIDE STORY: my mom made fudge with little to none sugar one time...Can you say incredibly bitter and disgusting!?, my family-including my mom- always has a good laugh thinking back to them) statement, but I just want to smile every time I think and revel in it... its like twisting and turning you bed sheets into a cocoon- just smiling and feeling toasty warm as you fit into that perfect spot. When its cold outside, a little sheet cocoon is the way to go! When I feel perfectly content in my warm cocoon- and when I feel perfectly content in God’s arms.
Reputation is important, but my reputation will fall into place when i set my eyes on the Lord- the Lord of all Creation who loves me, directs my every step, and places me on his shoulders when I feel weak. When I feel like I am this huge wreaking ball destroying every good intention(a little pop culture action going on here- yes I know I’m cool and hip.....just kidding ;), I can fall back on God and know that I am his child and that all the huge buildings out there can be conquered. (I do believe a hand raising emoji would fit perfectly right here, and a couple of Hallelujahs and Amens :)
12. HALLMARK MOVIES! - plug- the Thanksgiving Parade one is fantastic, the main character has so much spunk! I love her!
13. DYW- (Distinguished Young Women or Jr. Miss might be a tad more recognizable) I will be participating on the state level in January as the representative of Montgomery County. I am incredibly thankful for this program and the fun memories I have gained because of it. Also- I will be contestant number 13 at state ;)
I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful: I hope your holidays swell with new family memories, your stomach with lots of nice-smelling goodies, and your heart with gratitude and plenty of thanks!
-Bye!! :)
With lots of love,
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