I have finally picked a college... HALLELUJAH!!! That continuous dread of making a huge decision is absolutely horrible. Maybe it's not like that for some people, but literally once I picked it, it felt like this huge boulder just fell off my shoulders. (oh- and I'm going to Auburn!!- very typical, but hey its still a decision none the less :)
Ok- So I unfortunately do not have any any boulder pictures in my phone, BUT I happened to come across this one, and I think it might work! Just go with me... Imagine this huge hunk of a typewriter on your shoulders....um yes: unpleasant) (Also, as a side note: I remember exactly where this was taken- on the wonderful walls of Cracker Barrel :) One of my ALL time favorites!
2nd off: I absolutely love to babysit and to be with kids!!(I personally think I still am one :) Who doesn't like to goof off and let loose every once in a while(ok...maybe more than every once in a while)?? Anyway, tonight I got to babysit, and one of the little girls looked at me and said, "I wish you could marry me." I told her that I didn't think thats how it works....but seriously I thought I was going to melt because of how precious that was. To a kid marriage is love and being together, and for me: I do love her, and I adore spending time with her! But tonight it kindof got me thinking--No matter how old I get, I think I will forever be a kid. I know the typical desire for most seniors is to grow up and show the world what you are made of(and don't get me wrong- I'm so pumped!!), but I also think I will always carry that little elementary school self with me for as long as I live. That crazy, goofy, me -invigorated by life? Yes, I do believe I can never get rid of her :) Also, I thought that this is a beautiful picture of our relationship with God as the church. In the Bible its paints the picture of God as the groom, and the church(not the building-the people in it!) as his bride, and what He really desires is our love- the love of being together- the love of having a relationship with Him. So I do believe that this coming fall not only am I going with my whole grade(haha)... but It will be myself!, my mini me! :) , and God!- and I sure can't wait!!
Tori sent me this picture ages ago! But I just thought it fit into the post... Magic Kingdom, God's Kingdom, Kid's Kingdom.... Why Not? :)
Well I think thats about all I have for tonight
Can't wait till next time!
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