No Place Like Snowdoun

First off : It is fabulous to be back-
Ok- Second Off: I tend to loose a lot of stuff(quite frequently), and my phone is no exception.  I am going on 2 weeks today without my beloved- ha kidding.  It currently sits at my theatre teacher's house...but that's a long story.  Anyway, since I have obviously been a little out of it,  I totally forgot that I was supposedly off to perform at Snowdoun Baptist Church with the youth band- Well Here WE GO!
This evening we caravanned over to the HUMONGOUSly GRAND Snowdoun-- Where is Snowdoun?  Basically, it's in the middle of nowhere in particular, deer and cattle dust the edges of the beautiful county side that goes on for miles and miles. (I adore places like this) anyway... after we finally arrived at this small Baptist Church, we unloaded what little we had and walked into quite an experience.
Tonight was all about music, and not just any music. (Please try and stay tuned- trust me- I know the whole "music" can get a little boring ;) Ok, so picture in your mind a small church filled with a bunch of older folks that enjoy your true Old southern gospel- just throw in a few hymns, and you have got this amazing crowd whopping, hollering, and amen-ing! It was pretty fun :)  Anyway the night was starting to dwindle down when an older Downs girl decided that she wanted to sing.  She knew the words backwards and forwards and followed the pianist perfectly.  You could just feel her tender heart as she sang the words to this old hymn.  I can tell you now that I walk away blessed and touched(as did so many others) that God could orchestrate such a night.  I have felt so incredibly overwhelmed these past few days knowing that Jr. Miss is right around the corner.  With dress fittings, make up appointments, new dance routines, make up work that is already hanging over my head, etc.- well it all seemed to slip away as I realized that life doesn't have to be so complicated.  I make it complicated, God makes it simple.  Tonight I saw true hearts of worship that displayed the simply joy of the Lord.  No matter where I am, whether the stage or in the crowd, it is the simple joy of the Lord that will carry me on.  As Dorothy says, "There's no place like home." Tonight, there was just no place like Snowdoun- no place like God's arms.

Have a great day, and no matter how you might feel, remember that simple joy.
Lots of Love,
- ac :)


  1. loved this post AC. Such a blessing! Keep on blogging

    1. thanks Fox! will do :) - have a great New Year's!


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