One Cookie at a Time

Hey you guys!!

I hope you are stuffed to the brim with cookies, coffee, and Christmas Day ham, green beans, etc. etc. etc. and I hope you all have made "JUST ONE, SOMEONE HAPPY."
The Cocoa-Cola Commercial is my FAVORITE.
(and this part is my favorite... when the old man surprises his wife with a disco ball.)

It absolutely warms my heart :)

Wow. Christmas day is coming to a close, and I'm still over here recovering from the turkey, tests, and the whirlwind of activity from being a freshman at Auburn! 
Ok, let's have a quick heart to heart.
Recently, it has just really bothered me how incredibly fast time now seems to move.  Is that wrong to say?? 

I remember being in "grade school," as my grandmother would call it, or just elementary school.  Time moved SO slow.  It took absolutely FOREVER for the clock hands to finally role around to 11:30(aka lunch time), it took FOREVER to drive home from school(aka 10-15 minutes maybe), it took FOREVER to sharpen a pencil in the hand cranked machine that sat on its hunches on top of the placid counter.  Good grief time went on and on and on.  Thankfully.  Yes, I thought time crawled as slow as Christmas, but I sure was glad time was on my side.  In all honesty, I was going to be kid forever... well that was the plan.

Once I moved to middle school, high school, then college...time gradually seems to pull me in and take me captive like the tide. It leaves me a good 10 feet away....a good 10 days away...before I even begin to look up and realize what the heck is going on around me.  I get so sucked into the tiny details of life while forgetting to look at the big picture. Life is literally just slipping by leaving me with small beautiful fragmented memories. 

Paster McRoberts(Mr. Mac) said Sunday at church that we have plenty of time, its just how we choose to spend it.  Well. That hit home.  Wasn't I JUST complaining about how time was leaking off my calendar and into the drain??  But Honestly, I would hate to re-watch parts of my life and see how much of it I've already wasted.  Like, how many hours have I sat on my phone? How many have I just sat in front of a computer screen watching netflix!?  How many times have I watched the Half Blood Prince??...    The answer to that last question is embarrassing. 

So tis the Christmas season!! Cherish your time! Whether you are spending it with friends and family or having a little time to yourself, treasure it. Whether you think time is flying by or dragging its feet against the floor, treat it as a precious gift that you will never get back.  

"I never enjoy anything.
I'm always waiting for whatever's next.
I think everyone's like that...
living life in fast forward
never stopping to enjoy the moment
too busy trying to rush through everything
so we can get on what we're really supposed to be doing with our lives.
I get these flashes of clarity, brilliant clarity,
where, for a second I stop and I think,
wait, this is it, this is my life.
I better slow down and enjoy it
because one day we're all gonna end up in the ground
and that will be it, we'll be gone."

I definitely didn't mean to make that depressing! But in essence: take hold of the seconds, take tons of pictures, and take time to "slow down and enjoy it."

It's the season of gift giving and looking to others instead of yourself! Go give back and love on your family :) God's the only one who holds the time tables, so go make your time count! :) 

Acts 1:7 
"And He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority."

My family kind of makes fun of me for it, but when I bake, I make it a baking EVENT(these events have recently resulted in an abundance of cookies...YUM YUM YUM).  I drag out all the cute little dishes decked out in the seasons best and I stand on tip-toes just to reach the long stemmed glasses that haven't made a debut in our kitchen for years.  Go big or go home.  I play music.  I go to this tiny little grocer just to get special sugar.  I take tons of ridiculous pictures of my masterpiece pretending I'm the world's next sensational photographer.  
I just like to make it special.

For me, it's a way to give back to the family(because who doesn't like a warm baked cookies at 10:40 at night??), and it's also a way to give back to myself.  I get a little time to slow down, enjoy life, and make it a little bit more precious one cookie at a time.
:) :) :)

Love y'all 
AC :)


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