the struggle... :)
Finally, Hi!!!
It's so good to be back.
I could give you a laundry list of stuff that's on my mind, things I've done, things I've tried in the past two months, but to me that becomes somewhat overwhelming.... that's like trying to recount every detail of the Harry Potter series or any other series for that matter.
(not trying to say that I've been incredibly busy, but 2 months of stuff...)
Plus I gather that can become boring.
Cinderella didn't like laundry lists.
I don't like laundry lists.
+ I'm not your Evil Step Mother.
+ I'm not your Evil Step Mother.
So with that little disclaimer:
Off WE Go!!!
not to Neverland but-
1. a Hillbilly Farm
2. a random day on the concourse at Auburn
3. and Sinclere's/the Capri
(its like a little mini road trip inside a blog post!)
maybe not...just go with it...
Struggle #1: Life is monotonous and boring.
at Auburn, the college I'm attending,
you would THINK this thought would never cross my mind.
Well... you would think.
Apparently it just takes a lot to impress me, I don't know.
- Anyway, I had just told a friend about this struggle over coffee. I guess all the different meetings and classes were just not adding up to anything special. Well the very next day, in search of a pair of jeans, I plugged the store Loft, my absolute favorite clothing store, into my GPS. I was actually SUPER peppy about this little adventure! I had already taken a nice little stroll out to my car in RO.
(25 min walk = stroll to car.)
The Sunlight was perfect!!! & theres a patch of green grass out by RO with the cutest little bridge!
I had already driven back from Montgomery early that morning, and the sky was extravagant. I had asked the Lord to amaze me, and He so did!
Anyway, I hoped into Petunia and off we went!.... and We went wayyyyyyyy off the beaten path. Like wayyyyyyy. I hit County Road 24 thinking maybe my GPS either really liked short cuts or this was completely wrong.
Um. Completely wrong.
Or depending on how you look at it. Completely right.
It just took me to a (hay)LOFT instead.
It was pretty humorous :)
*On a side note, one of the biggest things I miss about home is the country drive. I adore living out in the country, and I love driving up and down those familiar back roads. So, this random little county road was super comforting to me(I mean a little sketchy seeing as how I had no clue where I was) but comforting all the same. There were pretty yellow flowers that dotted the sides of the road and they just kinda made me smile :)
But wait: the good part
Did I mention there was a Hillbilly Mall on the side of the ROAD!?
Please Stop.
Did you read struggle #1?????
No longer a struggle.
Hi there metal chicken! :) :) & the little shlumped over scarecrow- He's so cute... |
Solution: go somewhere new and exciting!! & if you're struggling to find hay, you might want to plug Loft into your gps. ;)
Struggle #2: I can't make a good cup of coffee(w/the Keurig).
First off, since you read this blog, you must know how utterly ridiculous this sounds. I'm one of those people that likes to drink it by the pot.
(I don't know why but that last little phrase "drink it by the pot" sounds funny/&southern to me....)
Well I was telling someone about this particular struggle.
* You should know that my kindest roommate has a Keurig that she graciously brought to college.
Thank you Tiff for supplying me means for coffee indulgence.
The only thing is, I can't seem to make a GOOD, like a GOOD cup of black coffee.
And now you know why this is ridiculous.
You put a coffee dispenser into the machine, and the machine then produces a line of coffee that gathers into the mug, which is (hopefully) sitting underneath the whole.
Did you hear that???
You. Put. a. Coffee. Dispenser. into. the machine.
that's LITERALLY it.
Alas, no good black coffee.
Oh. Hello Fall Break... wonderful, relaxing fall break
Oh. & Hello to this incredibly posed picture!.... :)
Well as I was telling my friend this, there was a mentally slow guy listening into the conversation. He was just kinda bobbing up and down, and he starting repeating snip-its of the convo.
It seemed normal enough.
But then my friend and I parted ways...
Oh y'all.
guy: "You know what you need!??"
me: "What?"
guy: "You need a MAN to make you a good cup of coffee."
me: "Oh, really?"
guy: "IIIIIII make a good cup of coffee."
Solution: 1. make numerous strolls to ABP(which I do often//it's kinda like the campus' Panera)
2. load Keurig coffee w/tons of creamer
3. I just need a man... Hahahaha
Struggle #3: I'm just not sure about my future yet.
1 candle for the extra year my mother forgot....hehehe
52+1= 53 and goin' strong!
Featured: Dad, Mr. Anthony Lee Loftis
Well guess what!?
My dad just had a Birthday!!!! Wahoo! Gotta love a reason to celebrate the coolest, hippest man on the planet! Love ya dad.
Well, friday afternoon Ben and I met Dad for an afternoon adventure to one of Montgomery's finest/cutest little strips! This little strip is full of tiny parking places, large cups of coffee, and well a lot of elderly people :)
It was fantastic!
We ate at Sinclere's and then watched "A Trip to Italy"
no it wasn't the best film I, or my family, had ever seen, but I had never been to the Capri, and I LOVED IT!!!
ironic: Montgomery has just opened a new theatre pretty close to my house, and where did we go- the Capri- the farthest and oldest of them all.
and I can guarantee you it was perfect.
We haven't yet perfected the selfie. It's fine! We're a work in progress :) |
Also, I have never wanted to be old SO BADDLY.
I just really wanted to skip adult/middle age/all of it.... I just wanted to be old!
It's probably just a fantasy I'm in love with, but it just seemed so quite, and quaint, and simple.
And I just loved that.
I just kinda made my heart so full and brought a smile into my eyes.
Also, thank you to the cute old man sitting by the red brick wall. Your eye glasses were spectacular, and you just looked the part.
But what about that adult/middle aged stuff.
I'm 18 and already people are starting to wonder what that's going to look like for me?
Even I am wondering.
And it's awfully scary.
18 holds so much promise and hope....
but that's just it- it HOLDS promise and hope. for what 365 days?
18 doesn't last forever and adulthood is beckoning with choices and questions left unanswered.
It's scary.
I'm just little ole' me and I still sleep with a giant stuffed dog probably know way more about me than you ever intended
I mean I can't even spell simple words right.
like beckon... thank you spell check
And maybe that's why I'd love to skip to the part where I'm elderly and retired and such(not that this stage of life can't be thrilling and exciting!!! because I'm sure it can be!- I was just talking to a couple that hoped off an air balloon not too long ago!). But, then I wouldn't have to wonder what these next years up ahead are going to hold for me. I would already know, and I would already have learned from all the mistakes that will inevitably happen along the way.
Matthew 6: 33-34
33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Yeah its scary, but gosh darn-et I'm going to have to make some memories that someday I can look back on and smile and laugh... there might be a few I just have to roll my eyes at someday, but essentially those memories are up ahead, and God holds every single one. He knows how many hairs are on my head, and He knows exactly what my future holds. And even though I can't wait to know what that future looks like, I guess living in the moment and just being 18-year-old me is good enough!
So cheers to this very moment, cheers to the future, and cheers to every stupid struggle I will have conquered by the time I'm 80 years old!!!
:) BYE!!!
Matthew 10:30
30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Makin' memories: check! featured: the Fantastic Mr. Fox himself |
Matthew 10:30
30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
![]() |
the other day I sorta felt like Cinderella... :) *this was taken by a lion simply bc most people think I have a mane for hair... true. |
Luke 12: 32-34
32 “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. 33 Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. 34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
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