Faith Like Cooking!
"Wake up.
You're making little bitty brushstrokes
every minute you walk around on this earth.
And with those tiny brushstrokes,
you are creating the painting
that your life will ultimately become-
a masterpiece or a disaster."
- The Noticer Returns, by Andy Andrews
Good Morning!!
(these are a few of my "masterpieces" that I gave away for graduation!!):
they are home-made CD's... they were so fun to make...
The sun is shining, the day is dawning, the insects are a'buzzin, the birds are talking, the frogs are croaking, I have spotted one of our first August Hummingbirds!, Jimmy the Fox-squirrel(yes he has a name... he's so freaking cute) just stopped by!!, and I even heard an owl! I still can't pick apart all of the noises I hear this morning, BUT it's just peaceful sitting here on my front porch wrapped in a blanket despite the long list of things awaiting my attention.
This quote this morning is from the sequel to the Noticer by Andy Andrews(which is phenomenal I might add!!...its kinda like a bunch of chunks of wisdom wrapped into a a giant pan of pigs in a blanket!). I just kinda sat there is awe because our whole year book was based on the concept of "little things," and here I am reading an explanation on the topic.... plus there is a surprise awaiting my little brother that has to do with brushstrokes(shhhh!!!) ;)
Faith Like Cooking:
(First off, apologies for the giant head shot, but I WANT YOU to pretend like I'm sitting there with you!! Because honestly, I wish I was! Maybe like I have stopped by for a cup of coffee... :)
And lucky you!!... It looks like I dressed up for the occasion... haha
Second, shout out to the coolest bro ever for taking this pic!)
First off, you should know I am a HUGE fan of sausage. I always have been :)
(SIDE NOTE: Unfortunately though, I am not a fan of bacon. I realize that is UNAmerican... Sorry. It's good wrapped around green beans and on cheeseburgers, but thats about it for me. This was a conversation held in my household this morning... Momma Maxi just doesn't understand :)
so go with me for a minute!!....
The body of Anna Claire Loftis decided this morning's wake up call was at 4:50. Why? Probably because college and life are taking its toll on my mental capacity! Just a guess.
And oddly, I was just completely starving at this early hour of the morning...
So, my breakfast consisted of a fantastic bowl of oatmeal w/brown sugar, sugar, &raisins(on a comic side note... i still can't make this in the microwave without an explosion of some sort/or it spilling over the edge of the bowl no matter how hard I try... apparently I need a bigger bowl) a couple cups of coffee, and of course....
(good guess, wow you are so smart!)
How do you/your parents make sausage!???(or really anything on the stove top). If you haven't the slightest idea, pay attention next time for you one day will be living on your own and you might have this enormous craving for a nice piece of meaty, salty sausage - And then what!?.... (only 4 more days for me... ahh! kinda scary)
1. But anyway I'm the kind of person that stands and tends to the sausage like its a small child! That flips and presses, and presses and flips, and stares and ponders the questions of sausage... as I press and flop and flip.
2. My mom on the other hand- basically unwraps the sausage and puts it in the pan till its ready.
Think about it in terms of your faith.
Are you the one that constantly is flipping the pages of your Bible like your constantly flipping a piece of sausage, or have you just unwrapped your faith and thrown it into the frying pan knowing it will be there when your ready to leave this earth. God is so mighty and powerful, and sometimes I think we take for-granted the relationship he desires from us. We just toss in the towel knowing he's there all along. This is so convicting to me, because I'm definitely NOT the world's next top model student when it comes to Bible Reading&prayer...etc.
but God craves our attention
He is a jealous God!, and He wants to spend time with the people HE created for His glory.
ex)Think about someone you love spending time with. You're not just going to "know in your heart that you are friends" you are going to pursue the relationship and talk to your friend... because you want to :) Granted I'm awful at this too....
Same with God... pursue the relationship, talk to Him, fall in love with your Father :) Become content knowing that He is the one you are running after. For He is a great God.
Glorify Him even in the little things! Whether it be paging through an old devotion book, reading through 1 Peter a. little. at. a time., or thanking God simply for loving us first..... make it count!
1 John 4:19 (ESV)
"We love because He first loved us."
Psalm 4:1(ESV)
"Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have given me relief when I was in distress. Be gracious to me and hear my prayer!"
Psalm 4:2-3 (NET)- i prefer the NET version of this part... :)
"You men, how long will you try to turn my honor into shame? How long will you love what is worthless and search for what is deceptive?(Seleh) Realize that the Lord shows the godly special favor; the Lord responds when I cry out to him."
Also, if you are questioning this whole "falling in love with God" thing, give Crazy Love a read- by Frances Chan. It changed my whole perspective on this Christianity thing. :)
Have a great last few days of summer!!
And don't forget, its the little things that make up the big things... a big FAITH
so just keep flipping and flopping and pressing :)
Lots of Love,
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