College Mountain!
Guess what!?
It's ok if you don't guess, I realize if you're like me (and the rest of the senior class) you're probably exhausted- :)
I went to Auburn for the FIRST TIME EVER BY MYSELF!!!
I was so nervous yet so excited! I am just one of those people that - ssssommmetimes I like to step out into something new by myself(I want to prove to myself that I really can conquer mountains- one step at a time! … does that make sense? I wanted to conquer my first visit by myself. First, I did not grow up going to Auburn AT ALL- no football, no anything. Second, I am not the bessttt with directions…. I'm getting there though! Yesterday, I checked out of school and headed off to college (off to college… those words are beautiful and make my heart beat a little faster!) I went to a show choir rehearsal which was great! After 4 years of show choir and Jr. Miss, my dancing is getting there(or I like to think it is :), but I just love music… I can't help it- I just do. It's apart of me and I like to think that I'm apart of it.
Anyway, that was great! I had Zoe's with Caroline(spend the night buddy) and Mollie(former Jr. Miss). What really struck me though was that we started the night off with prayer-personally I was feeling a hair overwhelmed, but after this moment I knew I was going to be ok :) That night, I got the 4-1-1 on dorm stuff and I bombarded Caroline and her friends with college questions- they were such good sports! I visited Starbucks….this alone made me feel right at home!(I, Anna Claire Loftis, am a Starbucks Junkie)
Also, As the girls were working on their Spanish project, I fell asleep on the Student Center floor for a whole hour…. I will be fine in college… I can sleep anywhere and everywhere. Also, I loved that Caroline didn't change her plans for the day!- I loved just immersing myself into the college life! Literally, best thing ever! ...On this note, around 11 o'clock the girls started receiving word about a bomb/shooting threat on campus… (If I believed in omens, I would definitely not be attending here in the fall, but thankfully I don't :) It freaked us out a little bit, but we were fine! Nichole had us dying out in laughter before the end of the night…. :) Caroline and I bombarded ourselves into her dorm room, and trust me- we slept like rocks.
The whole experience made me realize that when you go to college, you must grow up- things are going to happen, and you have to cope. It was so comforting to see how everyone was checking up on each other and taking the problem one step at a time. Auburn really does have a "family" atmosphere. :) Thankfully/Unfortunatley, classes and such were cancelled the next day. A friend of Caroline's took me to my car and from there I was off(back home)! - No school, a cup of coffee, and good music= mental sanity/my favorite/relief&relaxation…. it was great/phenomenal/superb. I love just driving. I ended up going to high school for a small part of the day(the less make up work the better), and honestly all I wanted to do was go back to college(taking my friends with me this time!)
* I like to tie God into the end…. I feel like it gives my blog posts some perspective. My visit was so special and the whole experience turned out to be a blessing. Even though the threat was a bummer, I was glad my plate for Wednesday ended up not being so full! I felt like I could just breath and take it all in. I feel so much more at peace about going off to college in the fall. The drive isn't bad, and literally you run into people you know all the time. I will never be able to climb the "college mountain" all by myself, but with God, I KNOW I can- or, HE can!
Lots of Love,
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